Sunday, 29 May 2011

The Rock Brigade Part Two...I'm Back

Hello …hello….hello… there anybody in there???  Just nod if you can hear me… there anyone home….?

Greetings one and all from near and far….do you remember me?  I am back.  The biggest comeback since Aerosmtih got together with RUN DMC. 

Not really of course but the Rock Brigade Blog is back online with a slightly different address and a slightly different look but with all the same thoughts and musings from me about (mostly) all things rock and roll. 

It’s been two years since I last blogged.  Life has been very crazy but I always missed blogging and I am finally ready to make my return.   The best part about this is sharing thoughts and conversation from those all over who have a common interest – our online global rock community.  So come back often…bring friends. 

If you are also a blogger let me know and I promise to stop by your space in our rock village too.  And if you are new here check out some of the excellent blogs I have listed to the right.  Also check out the link to the right that brings you to all my original posts on the original Rock Brigade Blog.  Also consider adding me to your Twitter feed if you wish - info to the right as well.

A couple things you will see here to get me started in the coming weeks include:
- Thoughts on the new Sixx A.M. album This is Gonna Hurt. (It’s awesome by the way!)
- Planning on seeing Motley Crue, Poison and The New York Dolls late in the month of June. Full thoughts on the concert to be posted here.
 - And of course anything else that comes to mind.  Got any new music to recommend to me?  Let me know.

See you soon.  Keep rockin’ my friends!!